If you don’t harness this powerful strategy, let’s pray your competitor doesn’t read this!
For the past 2+ decades, I have been analyzing my clients, large and small, who consistently improve their business income by double digits. This is achieved pretty much every year, subject to the occasional hiccup. They accomplish exceptional results in good economic times and in poor. There is one factor that most separates these very highly successful clients from all the others…
This is the Mindset that creates highly profitable companies. This concept was best expressed by legendary business-building consultant, Jay Abraham, who has written and spoken extensively on this mindset topic. Jay calls it: The Strategy of Preeminence.
A Summary of … The Strategy of Preeminence in Jay’s Words:
“This is the foundation of all I stand for. Actually, it’s both a strategic philosophy and a philosophical strategy for operating a preeminent business. I learned it from a client who used this belief system to hurtle their company to dominant leadership in an ultra-competitive industry. More interestingly, they out-sold their closest competition by 40% and had margins 35% higher. This “mini-collection” explains how they did it – how I do it – how YOU can do it, too!” “This strategy should become the underpinning of your culture, hiring, marketing, client interaction – everything should flow from this powerful belief system and new world business view.”
“First of all, the Strategy of Preeminence starts out by asking you to suspend from today forward the way you have operated your business, the way you have looked at your relationship with your clients, the way you have looked at your goal and purpose. It suggests and demands actually that from this moment forward, you see yourself in the relationship you have with your clients as their most trusted adviser, counsel, confidant…”
I am not going to try to improve upon anything Jay has written or said. I am going to give you the links to his extensive discussion on this topic. You can hear and read first hand directly from Jay. If you understand and adopt The Strategy of Preeminence, it will change your business life – higher profit, greater stability, happier clients, team members and suppliers, and more psychic rewards (fun) for the owner. Log on to Jay website: http://abraham.com/strategy-of-preeminence/ To read Jay’s report and view his speech / discussion, follow these steps:
- Click on the shorter of the two videos – This will give you a good overview of the philosophy and strategy.
- Download the written summary of the strategy.
- When you have more time, click on the longer of the two videos for a more in-depth discussion the strategy.
Note: Look over the other material on this topic. Other valuable information in also available on this website.
The Foundational Organizational Values / Principles of the Strategy of Preeminence
- Refer to Everyone as Your Client, NOT Your Customer
A “Customer,” according to Webster’s Dictionary is someone who purchases a commodity or a service. By referring to the people you sell to as a customer, verbally or even in your mind, you’re waiving the white flag, you’re saying: “Hey I’m nothing more than a commodity. You can buy me, you can buy him, you can buy anything else.”
Webster’s defines “Client” as someone who is under the care, the protection, the betterment, and the wellbeing of another.
- See Yourself, in Relationship to Your Clients, as Their Most Trusted Advisor, Counsel and Confident in Your Product/Service Area of Expertise. Always Put the Client’s Interest Above Your Own
- Consider Yourself a Leader; The Client Silently Begs to Be Lead
- Take a Position; Have a Point of View/Perspective
- Future Pacing; Take Your Client Into the Future
- Have a Higher Purpose
- Fall in Love with Your Client
- Have Massive Empathy for the Client
- Create Clarity, Focus and Certainty for Your Client
- Not a Commodity; Value Based
- It’s Only a Matter of Time Before Money Exchanges Hands, Start Giving Value Immediately
The foundation of any great business is a philosophy that places your client in the center. You’ve got to fall in love with your client.